Everything to Know About Teeth Whitening


In cosmetic dentistry, teeth whitening is one of the quickest and effective ways to treat discoloration. It will enhance the appearance of a smile by improving overall facial aesthetics. Patients can choose between different brightening options based on their budget and requirements. 

This procedure involves restoring the natural color of teeth by removing debris and dirt. Dentists use powerful bleaching solutions to provide several shades of whitening. The following are some of the essential facts people should know before opting for any solutions. 

Causes of Staining 


When people age, they lose their natural dentin color. Teeth may darken as a result of wear and tear over time. Young adults experience immediate impacts due to discoloration. Whitening is required for both senior and young adults. 


Some people are born with specific genetic traits. Teeth show some level of translucency. They appear lighter in color and thinner than dentin. In such cases, deep bleaching is necessary. 


Daily consumption of red wine, coffee, cola, carrots, and other beverages causes teeth to discolor. Additionally, acidic foods also cause discoloration and enamel erosion. Through time, it becomes more transparent. 

Treatment options 

In-office teeth whitening provides a significant color change in a short period of time. This procedure involves the use of a high-concentration peroxide solution to remove discoloration. The peroxide remains for several minutes. People with stubborn stains require additional sessions for brightening. Based on the results, patients can continue with hone-use systems. 

Take-home kits 

Many dentists suggest professionally designed take-home bleaching kits to produce the best results in the long run. These kits incorporate peroxide gel in low concentrations. The gel is administered by custom-made trays. It is essential to follow all safety precautions when using these kits. 

Over-the-counter products 

The most convenient whitening option is an over-the-counter product. It is brought from dispensaries without any prescriptions. This product consists of either trays or strips to apply the whitening gel. It can provide improved teeth color in a few minutes. 








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